Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Eccentric Analogies

Eccentric Analogies

An analogy is a comparison between two things or Ideas. In an eccentric analogy an artist will link two ideas or things that have no relationship what so ever and create an Image that forces a comparison between them.

Sketchbook Exercise:
In your Sketchbook create two columns of five words each. These words can be nouns, adjectives or verbs. They are not to be related to each other in any way.

Connect the words arbitrarily from one column to the other and try to create an image that forces a relationship in your sketchbook.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Visual Pun

Visual Puns

A Pun is a phrase used in every day language that can have more than one meaning.

In this Project you will create a Visual Pun where by using words you will create an image that forces your audience to look at words in a different way.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Home work: week one

Its time to buy those supplies again!

11x14 inch sketchbook
Set of drawing pencils
Erasers gum and kneaded

Optional Items:

XXL Black t-shirts
Box for supply
Prismacolor Art Stix