Visual Puns A Pun is a phrase used in every day language that can have more than one meaning.
In this Project you will create a Visual Pun where by using words you will create an image that forces your audience to look at words in a different way.
Drawing and painting III Idea Generation Syllabus 2009-2010 Mr. W. Alvarez
COURSE DESCRIPTION: As the Name implies 2D Comp. Is a class that places its emphasis in communication of Ideas through art? Students will be given projects in which they will have to solve Creative Problems using and building upon the skills covered in Drawing and Painting.
RATIONALE: The objectives of the course are to get the student to Think Creatively and explore and develop strategies for creative problem solving. The skills covered will Focus on: v Issues in design and Composition v Issues in Originality and Appropriation v Issue in Adaptive and Evolutionary planning v The Language Of Art and Symbolism v Understanding how art and Culture Are related. v Issues in Art History v Building Visual Vocabulary
Students Reponsibilities:
Students Are required to do all Assignments on time late work will not be excepted Students will Be Required to Work in their sketchbook at least four times a week. Contributing to their weekly Sketchbook grade. Students are responsible for the Materials of the class. Students will be expected to Participate in the ongoing conversation about art in the class. TEXT: Discovering Drawing, by Ted Rose.
SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS: Students are responsible for bringing in the following supplies: v 11 x 14 inch sketchbook v Set of drawing pencils (HB – B6) v Kneaded eraser
OPTIONAL: v 2 XXL Black T-Shirts v Personal Portfolio. v Set of Prismacolor Art Stix v Box for supplies v Self-sharpening charcoal pencils
LAB FEE: All students are required to pay a $15.00 art fee that will cover the consumption of art materials and supplies.
Schedule for 2D Comprehension
v 1st semester o Eccentric Analogy § Blending objects that have nothing to do with each other. Create a design and composition taking to separate objects and blending their attributes together to create a totally original image. o Visual Pun § Take Phrases used in every day conversation and create a new meaning for them by creating a visual to communicate a new Idea or allegory o Paradoxical Analogy § Create an Impossible reality. A situation that could never actually exist. That has No rules and defies Physics and Science o Reinventing Mythology. § Take a traditional tale, morality play or myth in popular culture and redefine it. Break old traditions and create a new way of looking at an old narrative.
v 2nd Semester o Hybrid Animal § Combine the attributes of two animals to create a new Species. Consider the environment the animal will live in. What will it feed on? Who will feed on it? What physical abilities will it have? Show these concepts in an Original Composition o Close Up Focus § Draw a still life in five steps with each progressive step continually zooming in for greater and Greater detail o Metamorphosis Project § Show the Change or transformation of one object into another in five steps. Consider changes in size, texture, biology, color, movement, ect…… Create a composition using the five steps in your Metamorphosis o Personification § Create 3 designs giving object human characteristics. Create a design in which these objects interact with each other.
v 3rd Semester o Analogies of nature form § Create a design comparing the forms found in nature to Different Objects. o Medium = Emotion § Create a work of art that displays the concept in the way that it is painting and not just by the visual created. § Allow how you apply the medium be symbolic. o Non Traditional Found Object surfaces. § Explore the environment around you and find a non traditional surface on which to paint. Make the surface of the found object relate to the concept you are trying to convey o
v 4th Paintings o In the fourth semester the student will Create a series of paintings dealing with different aspects of the same issue of their choosing o Creating a Concentration.
Home Learning: Students will be required to produce 3 pages of studies in their sketchbook each week. At the end of each month, students are expected to have completed 10 personal studies and 2 master’s copies.
Projects: Students will be working on multiple projects to scaffold skills.
Critiques: Critiques take a major role in the drawing and painting class. Critique participation is key to the evaluation of student work. Students MUST participate in every critique. Critiques add to the student ability to communicate ideas in the classroom.
v Come to class and get here on time. v Come to class prepare. Always have your SKETCHBOOK. v Listen carefully and follow instructions. v Students are Not allowed in the Supply Closet. v Use safety in the classroom. Be attentive with sharp tools. v Respect the point of view from other students and the teacher. v Respect materials and equipment in the classroom. v Follow the Code of Student Conduct.
v 1st offense – VERBAL WARNING v 2nd offense – WRITTEN WARNING v 3rd offense – DETENTION v 4th offense – Referral to administrator for further disciplinary action.
Detentions are given with the full support of the Administration and will be served. You will be notified in writing if you receive a detention. Your parents will be responsible for making alternate transportation arrangements.
Parents and students who have any questions or need to contact the instructor may reach me at (305) 805-1900 or via email.
Sketchbooks are incredibly important in this classroom. Finished sketchbook Pages can be considered for your slides in your final Portfolio. A sketchbook is a place for Organization, Creativity, Imagination and an Artist’s personal notes. You will be required to complete 4 Pages of sketchbook exercises a week.
Day one: Look at the world around you. Take a picture or draw something in your everyday life and write notes about what you see. Find other artists renderings of similar phenomenon and comment on the Comparison of the two. Or discuss how this makes you feel in poetry or prose.
Day two: Look for Images that move you. Seek out the work of other Artists and collect them. Try to sketch them out. Write about your observations. Collage multiple Images together on a page.
Day three: Admire Nature. Look at natural things. (Rocks, Trees, Animals, People, Water, clouds) Take the things of nature and create compositions with their shapes, or study the Anatomy of a tree. Collect leaves and glue them in to your books and try to draw their veins.
Day four: plan your next move. This is a class where you are going to be working on multiple projects at the same time. Organize your self. Plan Ahead. Sketch out possible scenarios.